Lip Blush Aftercare


 Please follow the aftercare instructions to prevent loss of pigment, discoloration, or infection.


1.       Refrain from soaking your lips in water and applying makeup to them for a week

2.       Gently brush your teeth with your mouth wide-open, trying your best to avoid touching the toothpaste and water

3.       Eat carefully as to not touch or smudge your lips as it might affect healed results

4.       Avoid hot drinks. Drink alcohol and colorful drinks through a straw only

5.       Do not use saunas, swimming pools, or engage in any activity that may cause sweating

6.       No sunbathing as your lips may lose color or get hyperpigmented from sun exposure, especially if you are prone to hyperpigmentation

7.       DO not peel any dry skin/scabs

8.       Keep the lips moisturized 24 hours with the Aquaphor ointment provided only


 What to Expect

Day 1-2

1.       Leave your new lips alone for 30 minutes after treatment

2.       With clean hands, wipe your lips with lukewarm water using a soft cotton pad to minimize scabbing

3.       Apply ointment to your lips with a clean lip brush or q-tip. Keep your lips moisturized around the clock!

4.       Be patient and trust the process as your lips may look the most vibrant and swollen the first 1-2 days

5.       Repeat steps 1-4 every 2-3 hours until bedtime

Day 3-7

1.       Keep moisturizing your lips with Aquaphor as needed

2.       Some light flaking or peeling may occur. This is normal!

3.       DO NOT pick or peel any dry skin as this may result in poor healed results

4.       After 6-8 weeks, you will notice the final healed result from your lip blush procedure


*If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact us immediately at or text (860) 202-2815 to discuss further instructions.  If you suspect an allergic reaction or infection, please contact your healthcare provider immediately!